
Human Resources
for modern companies

All-in-one: Recruitments, Appraisal, Expenses,
Leaves, Attendances, etc.

Easy. Mobile. Open Source.

Successfully manage
your employees

Centralize all your HR information.

Oversee all important information for each department at a glance. Restrict visibility of sensitive information to just HR managers, or make other information public for all employees to see such as employee directory. Receive alerts for any new leave requests, allocation requests, applications, appraisals, and more.

Track time & attendance

Weekly or monthly timesheets with optional attendance tracking.

Keep track of the employee hours worked and sort by project, client, or tasks. Easily access statistics to record and analyze timesheets as well as check each employee’s attendance. Integrated accounting automatically posts reports based on time spent in projects providing real-time data.

Leave management

Simplified tracking for employee vacation and sick days.

Employees enter their requests (paid time off, sick leave, etc).

Managers decide to either approve or refuse time off requests.

Notification is sent to the employee and their calendar is updated automatically.

Streamlined expense management

Get expenses updated and approved fast.

Employees can easily submit and justify expenses. Managers can review all expenses and either approve or reject individual requests as needed. Once approved, expenses are immediately updated in Odoo Accounting.

Employee evaluation
made easy

Thorough evaluations without the hassle.

Easily set up your evaluation process and calendar. Design form-based questionnaires to collect feedback from everyone in the company, from employees to managers, as well as self-evaluations. Automate the entire process so that you can focus on people, not administration duties.

Recruit top talents

Streamline your hiring process.

Set up a job board to post open positions in just a few clicks and easily keep track of submitted applications. Oversee and manage your applicant pipeline and integrate Odoo Survey to create a screening questionnaire which automatically associates with the candidate record.

Boost engagement with social tools

Improve communication between employees and motivate them through rewards.

Enterprise social network
Let employees collaborate across departments, locations, and Odoo modules by interacting in real-time with live chat, share knowledge and best practices, follow specific people or documents to stay informed, as well as joining interest groups to share expertise and encourage teamwork.

Inspire employees with challenges, goals, and rewards. Design your own targets, define clear objectives, provide real-time feedback and tangible results. Showcase the top performers for each team and publicly recognize employee and team accomplishments.

Hiring Processes
Made Easy

From sourcing to contract,
handle your recruitment process easily.

Organize your vacancies
and job applications

Thorough evaluations without the hassle.

Set up your job board, promote your job listings and easily keep track of submitted applications. Follow every applicant and build a database of skills and profiles with indexed documents.
No need to outsource your recruitment – handle everything internally in a simple and professional way.

Track job offers

See which channel drives most applications.

A new email address is automatically assigned to every job offer in order to route applications directly to the right one.

Whether applicants contact you by email or using an online form, get all the data automatically indexed (resumes, cover letters, etc.) and answered in just a click, using templates or personalized emails.

Customize your recruitment process

Define your own stages and interviewers.

Use the kanban view and customize the steps of your recruitments process: pre-qualification, first interview, second interview, negotiation, etc. Get accurate statistics on your recruitment pipeline.

Use reports to compare the performance of postings you have made on different external job boards and easily change your strategy and recruitment plan based on the results.

Integrated Documents

Define your own documents management process.

Create your job positions and publish them.

Receive the first applications.

Find the filled documents in the Documents app.

Leaves management for all

Manage employee vacations & absence

Manage employee leaves

Keep track of all your employees vacations

Keep track of the vacation days taken by each employee. Employees enter their requests and managers approve and validate them, all in just a few clicks. The agenda of each employee is updated accordingly.

Managers get a view of their whole team leaves in one complete view, to keep the team well-organized and to easily forecast the distribution of tasks during the absence of their members.

Approve or refuse leave requests

Handle all requests from your employees

Allow employees to record their requests for vacation themselves, and get notified by email for every new request. Decide to either approve them or to refuse them, and add a note to your refusal to give an explanation to your employees.

Get reports to plan ahead

Simple reporting tool

Create reports in a single click for every leave request, with a detail per request type, employee, department and even for the whole company. Get statistics on the leaves and plan for the upcoming to make sure you keep productivity to its highest level.

Odoo Appraisals

Create appraisals in minutes and review employees’ performances.

Set up periodical employee evaluation

Strengthen your company’s key asset : employees

Easy follow-up
Clearly see the appraisal status for each employee or for the whole company

Clear calendar view
Keep track of upcoming evaluations and send reminders to respondents

Exportable answers
Turn every evaluation into a printable PDF form.

Build the right appraisal

Ask the right questions and collect insightful information

Create the right survey to collect your employees answers. Prepare your own templates or choose from existing ones. Manage several types of evaluations: bottom-up, top-down, self-evaluations, and final evaluation by the manager. Let employees create evaluations themselves to send them to subordinates, juniors, as well as to their managers.

Design your own survey

Use templates or create them your way

Create your own surveys to gather important information and/or opinions from your employees. Quickly add questions, edit pages and draft a useful survey, using great built-in templates or making your own design from scratch. Turn existing surveys into templates to use and modify them later. Proof your surveys before publishing them: get them reviewed by managers, supervisors or other employees and let them add comments before finalizing the surveys. You can even create several surveys for each evaluation step to send them to different people.

Automate the evaluation process

Make sure evaluations stick to the schedule

Create evaluation plans with a clear schedule to automatically generate interview requests. Specify the employee, department or level in the hierarchy which can answer your surveys and allow managers to review the content and finalize the evaluation.

Boost recruitments with a fun referral program


  •  Recruit


Share open job positions

Refer your friends with an intuitive tool

Discover everything you need to know about each opened position by using the job board.

Find the perfect one for your friends and share it with them by email or through your social networks.

Follow your ongoing referrals

All your referrals in one place

See how many points you’ve earned for each referral and easily follow your friends progress in the recruitment process.


  Contract proposal


Customize your team

With great power comes great responsibility

Everyone needs help, especially when fighting villains. Build your superhero team by choosing an avatar for each of your recruited friends. Show the world your team’s mighty power!


  Contract proposal


Get rewarded

Hard work doesn’t go unnoticed

Create the right survey to collect your employees answers. Prepare your own templates or choose from existing ones. Manage several types of evaluations: bottom-up, top-down, self-evaluations, and final evaluation by the manager. Let employees create evaluations themselves to send them to subordinates, juniors, as well as to their managers.

Collect points each time your friends progress in the recruitment pipeline.

Level up and see your avatar take on new items.

Exchange points for awesome gifts in the shop!

Odoo Fleet

Manage your vehicles, contracts, costs, insurances and assignments without pain.

Fleet management made easy

You won’t need any specialized tracking system for company vehicles – with Odoo’s smart app, you can keep a close eye on your fleet in a few simple clicks. Manage everything through our user-friendly administrative system – fuel log entries, costs and many other features necessary for the management of your company’s vehicles.

Manage leasing and all other contracts

Identify and trace the money spent by your company for each of the fleet vehicles. Recurring costs of your contracts such as leasing and services contracts are automatically added to your accounting at the beginning of each period of the frequency specified in the contracts, while all other costs like fuel and repairs are automatically added to your report.

Analysis and reporting

Show all costs associated with a given vehicle or with a type of service. Compare different types of costs (which vehicles cost the most; which services have been performed on which vehicles; etc) by using the reporting tool. Get really helpful insights about the effective return of each vehicle in order to improve your fleet investments.